How to install


To use Asyncher via Docker you can simply pull the image that is present on Dockerhub:

$ docker pull matteoconvertino/asyncher

Then run the container:

$ docker run -p 80:80 matteoconvertino/asyncher

If you need to build your own image, you can edit the Dockerfile.

Manual installation

To install it manually you will first have to clone the project (or download the zip):

$ git clone

Install dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it:

$ python app/

I recommend you run it with Python 3.10.x, I don't know if it can cause problems with other versions.

Deciding to implement something like synchronization within your project is not easy, also because it could require a lot of resources from the developers. So before trying your hand at using Asyncher I invite you to carefully read how it works and what configuration it needs, to be completely sure that it is the right tool for you.

Last updated